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Here’s a look at Dempsey’s in depth experience…
“I came to Whitney with the frustrations of low energy, brain fog, emotional lack of control, poor sleep and lack of true understanding of my own body and what fuels it. I thought I had been eating healthy and exercising correctly for years with my background in Division 1 Athletics but after having my first baby, I had a lot of symptoms that led me to get my hormones tested. After being told I needed to go on bio-identical hormones without treating the root cause, I left that practice and found my way to Restored Nutrition!
Before working with Whitney I could not enjoy being a new mother, a wife or a small business owner - all things that bring me such joy! I was forcing workouts because they used to make me feel better however now they were just making me feel worse. I had followed the trends of healthy eating, did multiple rounds of Whole30, but still lacked true understanding of what nourishes my body
It has been life changing working with Whitney! Through 1 on 1 work, I was able to gain foundational principles that stabilize my blood sugar and restore my mineral balance. This has changed my energy levels and sleep patterns tremendously! Now, I am able to enjoy all parts of motherhood without being overwhelmed now that my hormones are balanced. I am also able to enjoy more food freedom than I have because I am satisfied and do not feel the need to binge (specifically around dairy, sugar, etc) because I am getting it in real, whole foods!”
Here’s a look at Jaci’s in depth experience
Let me start by saying I have always struggled with dieting as many people in today's world do. I have hopped on every diet train that has passed by. Eventually, after years of fad dieting, I developed an extremely unhealthy relationship with food. I thought that in order to be “healthy”, I had to restrict myself by eating as little as possible. By the end of the day, I was so starving I would end up binging on anything I could find. Then, the process would repeat the next day. I would replace food with drinks that made me feel energized such as coffee, lattes, Celsius, or Zevia energy drinks. I was constantly fatigued, uncomfortable, and felt disgusting after I ate anything. As a result of drinking so much caffeine, I couldn’t sleep and was constantly tired, stressed, and (obviously) starving.
Now, three months later, I can honestly say I have never been more happy. Whitney has completely changed my relationship with food and allowed me to live a life I love and enjoy. This has not only affected me physically, but mentally as well. I no longer punish myself for feeling hungry, but instead find food that fuels my body. I enjoy cooking and creating meals with fresh, new ingredients that I never would have thought to try! I feel confident when I am grocery shopping because I know I am buying whole foods that taste good and are filled with nutrients I need to flourish! I no longer have energy crashes midday because I am creating balanced meals that keep me feeling satiated. My clothes fit better and I can’t remember the last time I felt bloated. Working with Whitney has been life changing! She was able to share her wealth of knowledge in a way I could understand, and she did everything possible to help me implement positive changes.